CBD has hit the world vaping by storm. With so many new products coming in not only the vaping world but the coffee, medical and grocery world, CBD has really changed the face of vaping. With countless new flavors bringing the UK vaping stores to the fore, CBD Oil and Dried Grass promises a whole new dimension to the way consumers approach the industry.
Whether it’s a veteran vape mod or picking up your first vape feather, CBD Oil will certainly have something to offer you. For the uninitiated among us, we’ve compiled a few facts to help you get your head around the bubbling CBD phenomenon.
What is CBD?
CBD is the chemicals that fix approximately 40 percent of the hemp extract. The plant based chemicals in this hemp are found in almost every strain of Indian hemp, but were long overlooked for its more psychoactive sibling, THC.
The main difference between the two is that THC or tetrahydrocannabinol (what a mouthful!), has mood-changing and psychoactive properties, the sought after after recreational use, while cannabidiol does not. However, CBD retains the medicinal properties that make hemp such a valuable herb.
CBD is legal, THC is not
The lack of psychoactive and psychologically addictive properties of CBD means that there is no black market trade in chemicals. Instead, it serves as a natural pain relief remedy, giving the same effects as a relaxing herbal tea. This makes it useful for recreational purposes, but doubly so as a proven medical remedy for a large number of ailments.
The legality of CBD has also led to the regulation of its ingredients. While many strains by changed skunk chemicals have made their way onto the street, the existence of CBD within the law keeps all ingredients safe to use.

CBD helps treat anxiety
The relaxing properties of CBD were not lost on the psychoactive as THC does. While many of the side effects of THC can lead to increased anxiety and occasionally linked to psychotic episodes, CBD actually calms the mental illness. With its relaxation properties, conditions like anxiety and depression have their symptoms made less potent by the use of CBD oil and foods.
And arthritis
There are many hemp creams to be found on the shelves of even the most popular high street stores. The creams infused with these CBDs can help with muscle attachment and pain, making them invaluable in fighting arthritis.
And epilepsy
Two rare forms of childhood epilepsy have been proven to be effectively treated with CBD inhalers. Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome have decreased effects when CBD oil is used.
And Parkinson’s
Tests have been proposed by many medical researchers that show that CBD can be an effective tool in the fight against neurological disorders. These disorders include Parkinson’s disease and even Alzheimer’s disease.
Only the female flower provides the medicinal effects
It is the female flower of the Indian hemp plant that provides the most powerful medical properties of CBD and THC. While the root and leaves can be grown for use, it is the female hemp plant’s flowering bud that holds the most useful chemicals.
Come and follow their page to know how to create a private label CBD business.