Physical condition has been established as a primary factor to be maintained, a guarantee of good health. However, mental health is often forgotten even though it is essential to the real balance of everyone.
Stress, anxiety disorders, phobias …
There are many reasons that can alter mental health, or at least weaken it. More and more people are wary of ordinary drug treatments, considering that drugs can create an addiction and have dangerous side effects in the long run.
Since its legalization, CBD is experiencing a big boom in popularity. There are several reasons for this, one of them being its ability to relax and ease anxiety.
What is anxiety?
Does CBD really have beneficial properties on mental health?
What about the dosage and the form of CBD to adopt?
And finally, aren’t their risks of aggravating stress by consuming CBD?
These questions may seem complex and contradictory. We have prepared a series of answers that will allow you to see more clearly, and find the key to your personal balance.
Anxiety, emotion, or real illness?
Anxiety can be present in different degrees, from the mildest to the most important. It is sometimes referred to as stress, in other cases as an anxiety disorder, and some people go so far as to describe what they feel as generalized anxiety.
It is important to know that stress is above all a physiological reaction, not a pathological one. Despite preconceived ideas, it is a natural reaction directly linked to our instincts and our emotions, when faced with a situation that disturbs us.
Anxiety is thus directly linked to our emotions, to our feelings about a situation or information. But it can cause real illness if it is not managed or if it is too long-lasting.

The benefits of CBD against anxiety and stress
CBD, otherwise known as cannabidiol, has the reputation of being able to greatly relieve anxiety disorders of all kinds.
But what is it really?
A 2015 study highlighted the impressive potential of CBD for anxiety disorders. Another study from 2011, known as “The TRAILS Study”, confirmed this information.
In practice, these studies showed that CBD users had much better stress management than others. It was also established that they released significantly less cortisol, the stress hormone.
In more detail, CBD has the ability to activate certain receptors for serotonin, the happiness hormone. Thus, the combination of the action of CBD on the reduction of the cortisol level and the increase of serotonin constitutes a real booster on the general well-being felt by the person consuming CBD. This is regardless of its form.
What dosage of CBD to respect, and in what form?
Now that the benefits of CBD on anxiety disorders have been confirmed, the question remains of what dosage to respect, and what forms of CBD are more or less effective.
On this point, let’s first clarify that top strength cbd does not involve any risk of addiction. You can therefore consume it with a light mind, without having to scrupulously monitor the frequency with which you take it, whether it is CBD infusions, CBD oils, or any other form.
The method of CBD consumption then depends fully on your preferences. Some will prefer infusions, while others will have a crush on oils and their multiple uses.
To return to the dosage, there is no officially recommended dosage. It is above all a question of identifying your level of anxiety and consequently adapting the quantity of CBD consumed in order to relieve the whole of the anxious disorders met.
What about CBD that could cause anxiety?
Despite the various studies conducted on the benefits of CBD and the absence of potential addiction, making it an effective and healthy solution, part of the scientific community remains skeptical about its effects.
Some go so far as to claim that CBD could itself cause anxiety in its consumers.
The answer to this statement is simple: it is false. There is confusion between CBD and THC.
Indeed, it is imperative to distinguish CBD from THC.
On the one hand, we have CBD, cannabidiol, which is free of addiction and fully effective in reducing stress and generalized anxiety.
On the other hand, we have THC, which is a psychoactive molecule capable of causing undesirable side effects such as palpitations and anxiety.